2c2s is a leading company in providing high-quality solutions and services to call centers with all its units of staff, management and systems by experts and specialists at the highest level of professionalism and at the best prices in Kuwait.
Founder's Message
During the events that the world went through such as industrial revolutions, world wars or epidemics like the discovery of oil or the Iraqi invasion, the features of life changed and took a new pattern.
Things are no longer as they were forever and “there are a few people who realized the change, adapted to it, grew and succeeded, while others ignored it and failed then became a memory in the forgotten history.”
There is no doubt that the Krona 19 pandemic is a major variable in human history, and life will not return to the way it was. We have to be aware of that.
Hence the idea of establishing the company “Smart Solutions” to keep pace with the new era.
The most important features of the new era are: the development of computer systems from the entry of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, as well as the change of management methods where remote work has become acceptable and with higher production, and the idea of reward as much as production and integrated interaction with the customer in terms of speed, shortening steps and choosing the best ways for him.
These are the principles on which our company is based and from which we proceed…

Our Mission
Our supreme mission is to raise the level of (customer service) in Kuwait by providing the best interaction in the call centers with customers at competitive prices. We are also developing smart solutions that serve that mission.

Our Vision
Our vision is to be the first destination for government, private companies and institutions seeking to develop "customer service" services. We also pledge to provide everything necessary in order to develop "customer service" services through comprehensive and distinctive solutions in call centers.
Our Clients
Partners of Success